
Between 1600 and 1605 the idea matured in Augustinian bishop Angelo Rocca to leave his library, which was already known by the name of Angelica, for “public benefit,” and in 1604 two plaques, possibly dictated by Cursio-friend and Rocca’s first biographer-were placed on either side of the front door.

Friar Angelo Rocca of Camerino, a son of the Order of the Hermit Friars of St. Augustine, and Prefect of the Apostolic Shrine, gives, dedicates, donates (his) Library, richest in every kind of arts and sciences, and adorned with images of illustrious men represented in life, and collected over a long space of time with great labor and expenditure of money, to the Convent of St. Augustine of the City, not only for the benefit of the religious, but also of the clerics and laymen, to make manifest to the living and to posterity the devotion of the grateful soul to the Augustinian family, its mother and nurturer, and the favor to the learned and lovers of letters, in the year of salvation 1604.
(Virgil Moors op.cit.p.217, shows the change made by Rocca, after his appointment as bishop of Tagaste in 1605 to the date of the plaque).

(Virgil Mori op. cit. p.217, demonstrates the change Rocca made to the date of the plaque after his appointment as bishop of Tagaste in 1605).


Angelica Library. It is hereby ordered that no one shall dare to take away, subtract or transport to another place, not even for the convenience of study, this Library or any part thereof, or any book or any other

thing contained in the Pontifical Diploma. Those who do otherwise will be immediately liable to the penalty of excommunication, and can be absolved only by the Supreme Pontiff. Whoever then dares to sell this Library, or a small part of it, or to alienate it for any reason from this House, let him know that, in addition to the penalty of excommunication “latae sententiae,” the same Library in its entirety, with all the things pertaining to it, will be immediately assigned to the Apostolic Chamber for the Vatican Library.



Virgil Mori, Biographical essay on the bibliographer Bishop Angelo Rocca (1545-1620), “Archivi,” 16, 1959, p.200-222.
Paola Munafò and Nicoletta Muratore, Bibliotheca Angelica Publicae commoditati dicata, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, Rome 2004