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Lukas Holste
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Lukas Holste, (1596-1661) librarian to Francesco Barberini and Queen Christina of Sweden, First Custodian of the Vatican Library from 1653 to 1661.
German intellectual after studying medicine and Platonic philosophy in Leiden and after frequenting the most important libraries of the time in Denmark, England in France and in 1627 he settled in Rome as a familiar of the Barberini family.In Rome since his arrival, Lukas Holste had been in charge of welcoming foreigners and in particular those converted to Catholicism and it was he, although already advanced in years, who was sent to Innsbruck by Pope Alexander VII to meet and bring Queen Christina of Sweden to Rome.

A record of Holste’s intense intellectual activity is preserved in the Chigiani manuscripts evidence of his rich correspondence with leading figures in European culture.

In his will drawn up in 1659 he stipulated that his printed books (about 4,000) excluding those in Italian left to Flavio Chigi, be given to the Augustinian friars of the Angelica Library “…to be displayed and served for public benefit.”