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Piazza di Sant’Agostino 8 – 00186 Rome, Italy

Zanazzo Collection
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Luigi Zanazzo (Rome, 1860-1911). Dialect poet and scholar of Roman folk traditions.

The collection, of Roman interest, consists mainly of manuscripts and printed volumes of Zanazzo’s works.

At the suggestion of Francesco Barberi, director of the Angelica, it was purchased in 1948 by the Ministry of Education for 60,000 Lire.

The manuscripts were collected and bound in 10 volumes (Ms.2410-ms.2420). Among the autographs, the manuscript of the 4th (and last) volume of the Roman Popular Traditions is the most valuable piece: unpublished, but ready for printing at the time of acquisition, it was later published in 1960 by Giovanni Orioli.
Among the autographs, the manuscript of the 4th (and last) volume of the Roman Popular Traditions is the most valuable piece: unpublished, but ready for printing at the time of acquisition, it was later published in 1960 by Giovanni Orioli.

Among the printed works are most of the first editions of Zanazzo’s works plus a large collection of newspaper clippings from the newspaper Il Rugantino, and an Album of Memories, also including newspaper clippings and reviews of his works.