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Catalogs – Manuscripts
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The manuscript collection consists of about 3,000 volumes currently divided into three funds, manuscripts in Latin alphabet, Greek alphabet and Oriental alphabets, and 24,000 loose sheets constituting the correspondence of Arnaldo Bocelli, Domenico Gnoli and Felice Barnabei. The manuscripts have historically varied provenances.

The Angelica Library also holds the manuscripts of the Arcadia Literary Academy.



E. Narducci, Catalogus codicum manuscriptorum praeter Graecos et Orientales at Bibliotheca Angelica olim coenobii Sancti Augustini de Urbe, Tomus I [mss. 1-1543], complectens codices ab instituta Bibliotheca ad a. 1870, Romae, typis Ludovici Cecchini, 1893.

E. Celani, Rome. R. Angelica Library,[
mss. 1544-1800
], Florence, Olschki, 1915(Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia, a work founded by G. Mazzatinti, 22).

S. Vitale,Rome. R. Angelica Library,[
mss. 1801-2190
] Florence, Olschki, 1934 (Inventari dei manoscritti delle biblioteche d’Italia, a work founded by G. Mazzatinti, 56).

S. Vitale, Rome. Angelica Library, [
mss. 2191-2418
], Florence, Olschki, 1948,(Inventories of manuscripts in the libraries of Italy, a work founded by G. Mazzatinti, 76).

F. Di Cesare, Catalogue of manuscripts in Latin script dated by indication of year, place or copyist, II, Biblioteca Angelica, Turin, Bottega d’Erasmo, 1982.

F. Sabba, Index of the authors of the manuscripts in Latin script of the Angelica Library, Rome, Istituto Poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2009 (Indici e cataloghi. Nuova serie 19).


Manus Online

The complete retrieval from printed catalogs of manuscripts in the Latin alphabet (mss. 1-2418), Elisabetta Sciarra’s [Catalogo dei manoscritti 2419-2579] and extensive cards of parts of the collection are present.



G.Muccio-P.Franchi de’Cavalieri, Index codicum graecorum Bibliothecae Angelicae, praefatus est Ae. Piccolomini, in “Italian Studies in Classical Philology,” 4, 1896, pp. 1-184.

E. Piccolomini,Index codicum graecorum Bibliothecae Angelicae ad praefationem additamenta, in “Studi italiani di filologia classica” 6, 1898, pp. 167-184.


Manus Online


Some of the Greek manuscripts are catalogued in Greek Manuscripts of Italy [MaGI] project in collaboration with Nuova Biblioteca Manoscritta [NBM]




I. Guidi, Catalogue of the Syriac, Arabic, Ethiopic, Turkish and Coptic Codices of the Angelica Library, in Catalogues of the Oriental Codices of Some Libraries of Italy, I, Florence, Le Monnier, 1878, pp. 57-81.

A. Di Capua, Catalogo dei codici ebraici della Biblioteca Angelica, in Cataloghi dei codici orientali di alcune biblioteche d’Italia, I, Florence, Le Monnier, 1878, pp. 85-103.


Manus Online

Hebrew manuscripts can be found in the database of the Ktiv project: The International Collection of Digitized Hebrew Manuscripts

In the advanced search, in the “Collection” field, select “Angelica Library



The catalog: manuscript volumes, edited by Carla Casetti Brach and Daniela Scialanga, in Da Palazzo Massimo all’Angelica: manuscripts and printed books of an ancient Roman family, edited by Nicoletta Muratore, Rome, Palombi, 1997, pp. 57-114: catalog of manuscript volumes from dlla book collection that belonged to the Princes Massimo Family purchased by the Angelica Library between 1883 and 1884.

L. Signorello,
Catalog of the manuscripts of Santa Maria del Popolo of the Angelica Library of Rome.
, Rome, Istituto poligrafico e Zecca dello Stato, 2019 (Indici e cataloghi. Nuova serie 28): catalog of the books from the Augustinian convent of Santa Maria del Popolo brought to Angelica in 1849, following the unrest derived from the establishment of the Roman Republic and merged with its library holdings.



Bocelli correspondence:

The Bocelli correspondence: inventory, edited by Biagia Marniti and Laura Picchiotti, Caltanissetta, S. Sciascia, 1998.

Gnoli correspondence:

Typewritten volume edited by Manuela Montelatici, 1993

Barnabei correspondence:

Typewritten volume edited by Manuela Montelatici, 1993



Carla Casetti Brach-Daniela Scialanga, Card Catalogue of the Possessors of Latin Manuscripts (alphabetical and topographical)

Carla Casetti Brach-Daniela Scialanga, Card Catalogue of the Possessors of Greek Manuscripts (alphabetical and topographical)

Card catalog of the subjects of manuscripts in Latin script

(relating to mss. 1-2418)

Enrico Narducci, Catalogus chartarum quae in libri continentur. [Catalogo manoscritto dei frammenti e delle carte manoscritte conservate negli stampati della Biblioteca Angelica]

For the collection of the
owned by the library you can consult the PDF file




B. Tellini Santoni,
Inventory of Manuscripts (1-41).
, Rome, La Meridiana, 1991.